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fluke DSX-5000中TCL與ELTCTL是什麼意思?測試不過怎麼辦?

文章出處:深圳市乐鱼棋牌mac更新 電子技術開發有限公司 人氣:-發表時間:2014-09-20 10:45:00

深圳市乐鱼棋牌mac更新 電子技術開發有限公司網絡部工程師為大家介紹FLUKE測速設備中TCL與ELTCTL兩個參數的意思。(PS:這是DTX-1800裏麵沒有的參數)

transverse conversion loss  TCL 橫向變換損耗

transverse conversion transfer loss  TCTL 橫變換轉移損耗

TCL (Transverse Conversion Loss) – DSX CableAnalyzer TCL is one of two balance measurements found in ANSI/TIA-568-C.2, ANSI/TIA-1005 and ISO/IEC 11801:2010. The other is ELTCTL.

The measurement is made by injecting a differential mode signal (DM) into a twisted pair, then measuring the common mode signal (CM) returned on that same twisted pair. The smaller the CM signal returned, the better the TCL measurement (balance).



If it looks similar to a Return Loss measurement, you're right. Except a Return Loss measurement is made by injecting a DM signal into the pair and measuring the DM signal returned. Here we are measuring the CM signal returned which is TCL.


Field test requirements for ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 are deferred to ANSI/TIA-1152. At this time, TCL is not a field test requirement because until the DSX CableAnalyzer came along, no field test equipment vendor could perform a TCL field test. It is anticipated that other test equipment vendors will eventually offer TCL field measurements too. Field testers are normally capable of DM measurements only – the DSX CableAnalyzer is capable of both DM and CM measurements, hence its ability to measure TCL and ELTCTL.

翻譯:對於ANSI/TIA-568-C.2現場測試要求直到ANSI/TIA-1152標準。在那個時候,TCL並不是一個現場測試的要求,因為沒有現場測試設備供應商可以執行TCL現場測試,直到DSX-5000電纜認證分析儀的誕生。預計其他品牌測試設備廠家最終也將提供TCL現場測量。現場測試人員通常僅能DM測量 – 對DSX-5000電纜認證分析儀能夠既DM和CM的測量,因此其有測量TCL與ELTCTL的能力。

If you wish to add TCL and ELTCTL to your standard Category 5e, 6, 6A or Class D, E or EA test, select your test limit under the folder in DSX called Balance Measurements and look for your test limit with a suffix of (+TCL):

翻譯:如果需要對於Cat5e,Cat6,Cat 6A測試TCL和ELTCTL參數,你隻需要再DSX-5000 的文件夾下麵找到+TCL的後綴就可以了。

This will add ≈ 6.6 seconds to your AUTOTEST time.


The suffix of (+TCL) indicates a standard ANSI/TIA or ISO/IEC test with the addition of TCL and ELTCTLmeasurements. ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 and ISO/IEC 11801:2010 only provide test limits for Channel measurements at this time. If you select a Perm. Link test limit, the TCL and ELTCTL measurements will be performed, but there will be no PASS/FAIL criteria applied. You will also see the Industrial Ethernet standards TIA 1005 with the different E1, E2 and E3 environmental TCL and ELTCTL limits.

翻譯:有(+TCL)後綴的預示著ANSI/TIA或者ISO/IEC測試有這個規格。 目前ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 and ISO/IEC 11801:2010 僅僅提供信道測試的極限值,如果選擇永久鏈路測試,TCL和ELTCTL也會被執行,但是不會有通過/失敗的標準。同樣你也會看到工業以太網標準TIA 1005 ,E1,E2,E3的標準的限製。

In the example below from a DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer, a Category 6A Channel was tested. With a margin of 5.4 dB (6 dB is a factor of 2), you can feel confident that this link will perform well, even in a noisy environment.

翻譯:從下麵DSX-5000的例子中可以看到,Cat 6A通道測試有5.4db的餘量,你就不用擔心了,因為這條鏈路表現非常好。即使在有噪音的環境下。

此文關鍵字:fluke,福祿克,乐鱼开奖app ,光纖測試儀,網線測試儀,萬用表,紅外熱像儀,深圳乐鱼棋牌mac更新 ,深圳市乐鱼棋牌mac更新 電子技術開發有限公司