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Fiber VS Fibre祿克光纖測試中Fiber 與Fibre的區別

文章出處:深圳市乐鱼棋牌mac更新 電子技術開發有限公司 人氣:-發表時間:2015-07-14 16:41:00

光纖測試儀測試光纖的通常名稱在,經常會提及Fiber 和 Fibre 。

Fiber 通常是為美國ITA的用法。

Fibre 通常是歐洲和亞洲的使用ISO的用法。

Fiber vs. Fibre

Our knowledge base uses fiber not fibre. For all searches, please use fiber. 
Both are correct depending on which country and standard you are using. If you are in the USA and using TIA, then fiber is correct. If you are Europe or Asia and are using ISO as a standard, then fibre is correct. 

此文關鍵字:Fiber , Fibre